Document Description and Processing Languages


Report of the 2d Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/WG1, Document Description and Processing Languages: Markup Languages, 19-23 April 1999, Granada, Spain


Dr. Charles F. Goldfarb, Convenor of SC34/WG1


All SC34 projects

Status of Document:

Official report

Requested action:

For information

Summary of major points:

The Working Group has agreed on a name and terms of reference for submission to SC34. Technical work on the revision of ISO 8879 continued.


23 April 1999


SC34 and liaisons

Official Report for April 1999
Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/WG1
Document Description and Processing Languages:
Markup Languages

Dates: 19–23 April 1999

Location: Granada, Spain


The WG convened as soon as the SC34 plenary ended, which turned out to be Monday afternoon.

Name and terms of reference

We reviewed the work currently undertaken by the WG and considered the terms of reference and WG name that would best characterize what we do. These were forwarded to SC34 for its consideration:

The Markup Languages Working Group

SC34/WG1 is responsible for information description languages, primarily the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and auxiliary standards relating to SGML subsets, APIs, testing, and registration.

Its current activities include:

  1. SGML (ISO 8879)
  2. SDIF (ISO 9069)
  3. Registration Procedures for SGML Public Identifiers (ISO 9070)
  4. Technical Reports TR 9573
  5. Conformance Testing for SGML System (DIS 13673)
  6. APIs for document processing

Revision of ISO 8879

We continued where we left off in Chicago, working on the notation and other aspects of the presentation of the standard.

We first considered the proposal in SC34/N82 and agreed to create a "restatement" of portions of the existing ISO 8879, in the manner proposed in that paper, as a means of developing and testing presentation techniques for the ISO 8879 revision. We then developed a parsing model, consisting of three layers (token recognition, markup recognition, and structure recognition), and began to apply it to a subset of SGML.