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TITLE: DAM1 to ISO/IEC 9541-2: Support for font technology advances
STATUS: Document for Philadelphia meeting
DATE: 1999-11-30
DISTRIBUTION: SC34 and Liaisons
REFER TO: SC34 N0072, SC34 N0095, SC34/WG2 N18
REPLY TO: SC34/WG2 N20(Disposition of comments on SC34 N0072)

DAM1 to ISO/IEC 9541-2: Information Technology - Font Information Interchange - Part 2: Interchange Format - Amendment 1: Support for font technology advances


This Amendment specifies an additional interchange format and slight modification to ISO/IEC 9541-2:1991. The specification is applied only when additional font properties defined by Amendment 2 and/or 3 to ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991 are employed. The properties are optional and make it possible to address advances in font technology in addition to those defined in ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991.

The additional interchange format is described by SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) conforming to ISO 8879:1986 and its Technical Corrigendum 2 (Annex K: Web SGML Adaptations).

Information technology - Font information interchange -

Part 2: Interchange format

Amendment 1: Support for font technology advances

Page 11

Clause 6.2

Element declaration of fontdes should be:

<!ELEMENT fontdes (dataver? & stdver & datasrce? & datacopy? & dsnsrce & dsncopy? & relunits? & typeface? & fontfam & posture & postang? & weight & propwdth & glycomp & nomwrmde? & dsnsize & minsize & maxsize & caphght? & lchght? & dsngroup & structur & mnfeatsz? & nomcsw? & nomlcsw? & verticalunit-property & fillratio-property & designareas-property & niprop*) >

Page 12

Clause 6.2

Element declaration of wrmode should be:

<!ELEMENT wrmode (wrmdnam , ( nescdir & escclass & (avgescx & avgescy & avlcescx & avlcescy & avcpescx & avcpescy & averageesc-property & tabescx & tabescy ) & mxfntext & sectors? & escadjs? & mineas? & maxeas? & scores? & varscrps? & minlinsp? & minanasc? & maxanasc? & nomalign? & algnmds? & copyfits? & genkendot-property & ILC-property & (dsnwdadd? & dsnwdamp? & minwdadd? & minwdamp? & maxwdadd? & maxwdamp? & dsnltadd? & dsnltamp? & minltadd? & minltamp? & maxltadd? & maxltamp?) & glyphs & niprop* )) >

Page 14

Clause 6.2

Add the following declarations

<!-- SGML DTD for 9541-1 AM2 --> <!-- (c) International Organization for Standardization 1991 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with comforming WebSGML systems and appilications as defined in ISO 8879:1986(WWW), provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Public document type definition. Typical invocation: <!DOCTYPE fontres PUBLIC "ISO 9541-2:1991 AM1:1999//DTD Font Resource//EN"> --> <!-- DTD for 8.9.1 Vertical Units and Horizontal Units --> <!ELEMENT verticalunit-property (verticalunit-name, verticalunit-value) > <!ELEMENT verticalunit-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT verticalunit-value (card) > <!-- glbname CARDINAL --> <!ELEMENT horizontalunit-property (horizontalunit-name, horizontalunit-value) > <!ELEMENT horizontalunit-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT horizontalunit-value (card) > <!-- card : CARDINAL --> <!-- DTD for 8.9.2 Fill Ratio --> <!ELEMENT fillratio-property (fillratio-name, fillratio-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT fillratio-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT fillratio-value-property-list (blackness+) > <!ELEMENT blackness (reference-glyph, fillratio-value) > <!ELEMENT reference-glyph (msg) > <!-- msg : MESSAGE --> <!ELEMENT fillratio-value (ratl) > <!-- ratl : RATIONAL --> <!-- DTD for 8.9.3 Design Areas --> <!ELEMENT designareas-property (designareas-name, designareas-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT designareas-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT designareas-value-property-list (designarea-property|plist)+ > <!ELEMENT designarea-property (designarea-name, designarea-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT designarea-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT designarea-value-property-list (letter-face+) > <!ELEMENT letter-face (dsnarea-glyphset-name, dsnarea-height, dsnarea-width) > <!ELEMENT dsnarea-glyphset-name (msg) > <!-- msg : MESSAGE --> <!ELEMENT dsnarea-height (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT dsnarea-width (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!-- DTD for 8.9.4 Average ESC --> <!ELEMENT averageesc-property (averageesc-name, averageesc-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT averageesc-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT averageesc-value-property-list (averagelen-property|plist)+ > <!ELEMENT averagelen-property (averagelen-name, averagelen-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT averagelen-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT averagelen-value-property-list (average-length+) > <!ELEMENT average-length (averlen-glyphset-name, avrlen-height, avrlen-width) > <!ELEMENT averlen-glyphset-name (msg) > <!-- msg : MESSAGE --> <!ELEMENT averlen-height (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT averlen-width (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!-- DTD for 8.9.5 Generalized Kendot --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-property (genkendot-name, genkendot-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT genkendot-value-property-list (genkendot-offsetx-property| genkendot-offsety-property|genkendot-thick-property|genkendot-shape-property)+ > <!ELEMENT genkendot-offsetx-property (genkendot-offsetx-name, genkendot-offsetx-value) > <!ELEMENT genkendot-offsetx-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-offsetx-value (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-offsety-property (genkendot-offsety-name, genkendot-offsety-value) > <!ELEMENT genkendot-offsety-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-offsety-value (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-thick-property (genkendot-thick-name, genkendot-thick-value) > <!ELEMENT genkendot-thick-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-thick-value (ralr) > <!-- ralr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-shape-property (genkendot-shape-name, genkendot-shape-value) > <!ELEMENT genkendot-shape-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT genkendot-shape-value (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!-- SGML DTD for 9541-1 AM3 --> <!-- DTD for 8.10 Interlinear/intercharacter Object Properties --> <!ELEMENT ILC-property (ILC-name, ILC-value-property-list) > <!ELEMENT ILC-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-value-property-list (ILC-type-property|ILC-font-size-property| ILC-typeface-property|ILC-rotation-property| ILC-writing-direction-offset-property| ILC-formatting-type-property| ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-property)+ > <!ELEMENT ILC-type-property (ILC-type-name, ILC-type-value) > <!ELEMENT ILC-type-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-type-value (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-font-size-property (ILC-font-size-name, ILC-font-size-value-type, ILC-font-size-value) > <!ELEMENT ILC-font-size-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-font-size-value-type EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ILC-font-size-value-type type (ABS|RELATIVE) "ABS" > <!ELEMENT ILC-font-size-value (relr) > <!-- relr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT ILC-typeface-property (ILC-typeface-name, ILC-typeface-value) > <!ELEMENT ILC-typeface-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-typeface-value (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-rotation-property (ILC-rotation-name, ILC-rotation-value) > <!ELEMENT ILC-rotation-name (relr) > <!-- relr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT ILC-rotation-value EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ILC-rotation-value value (0|90|180|270) "0" > <!ELEMENT ILC-writing-direction-offset-property (ILC-writing-direction-offset-name, ILC-writing-direction-offset-value, ILC-writing-direction-offset-value) > <!ELEMENT ILC-writing-direction-offset-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-writing-direction-offset-value-type EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ILC-writing-direction-offset-value-type type (ABS|RELATIVE) "ABS" > <!ELEMENT ILC-writing-direction-offset-value (relr) > <!-- relr : REL RATIONAL --> <!ELEMENT ILC-formatting-type-property (ILC-formatting-type-name, ILC-formatting-type-value) > <!ELEMENT ILC-formatting-type-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-formatting-type-value EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ILC-formatting-type-value value (HEAD|CENTER|TAIL|JUSTIFICATION) "HEAD" > <!ELEMENT ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-property (ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-name, ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-value, ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-value-type) > <!ELEMENT ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-name (glbname) > <!-- glbname : STRUCTURED NAME --> <!ELEMENT ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-value-type EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-value-type value (ABS|RELATIVE) "ABS" > <!ELEMENT ILC-line-progression-direction-offset-value (relr) > <!-- relr : REL RATIONAL -->