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TITLE: Resolutions of the SC34 Meeting, Berlin, 19–23 May 2001
PROJECT: All SC34 projects
PROJECT EDITOR: All SC34 editors
ACTION: For information
DISTRIBUTION: SC34 and Liaisons
REPLY TO: Dr. James David Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 Chairman)
Y-12 National Security Complex
Bldg. 9113, M.S. 8208
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8208 U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 865 574-6973
Facsimile: +1 865 574-18964
Network: [email protected]

Ms. Sara Hafele, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat
American National Standards Institute
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Tel: +1 212 642 4976
Fax: +1 212 840 2298
Email: [email protected]

Resolutions of the
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 Meeting
19–23 May 2001


Resolution 1: SPDL maintenance

SC34 accepts N214 (WG2 N72) as the disposition of comments on Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 10180:1995 (SPDL) and N215 (WG2 N73) as the final text of the TC. SC34 instructs the Secretariat to forward these documents for processing.


Resolution 2: DSSSL Amendment

SC34 accepts N216 (WG2 N74) as Proposed Draft Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 10179:1996 (DSSSL). SC34 requests that the Secretariat ballot N216 as a PDAM.


Resolution 3: Endorsement of WG2 Recommendations and Program of Work

JTC 1/SC 34 endorses the WG 2 Recommendations, SC 34 N 217 (WG2 N75) and Program of work SC34 N219 (WG2 N77), approved at the May 2001 Working Group meeting in Berlin.


Resolution 4: Defect Report on Topic Maps

SC34 accepts N220 as a defect report on ISO/IEC 13250 and new text for a proposed remedy. SC34 requests its Secretariat ballot the proposed new text as Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 13250.


Resolution 5: Proposal of Topic Map Constraint Language

SC34 accepts N221 as a New Project Proposal and acceptance criteria for a Topic Map Constraint Language to support ISO/IEC 13250. SC34 requests its Secretariat forward these documents to SC34 for ballot. SC34 attaches N226 as a draft text.


Resolution 6: Endorsement of WG3 Resolutions

SC34 endorses the resolutions of WG3, N222.


Resolution 7: Proposal of Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL)

SC34 accepts N223 as a New Project Proposal and acceptance criteria for a Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) to support ISO 8879. SC34 requests its Secretariat forward this document to SC34 for ballot.


Resolution 8: Report on ISO/IEC TR 9573-11

SC34 accepts the report on revision of ISO/IEC TR9573-11, SC N224, and apporints Dr. Yushi Komachi to work with the ISO CS on the project.


Resolution 9: Report and recommendations of WG1

SC34 approves the report and recommendations of WG1, SC34 N225.


Resolution 10: SC34 Assessment of TR Type for RELAX

SC34 has examined the content of RELAX in the light of the JTC1 Procedures and has agreed that RELAX, balloted as ISO/IEC DTR 22250-1 should be a Technical Report of Type 2, not Type 3. Because the Fast Track procedure is restricted to Type 3 Technical Reports, SC34 requests that JTC1 reconsider the publication of this document and its further progression.


Resolution 11: Approval of Program of Work, Target Dates and Project Editor Assignments

JTC 1/SC 34 approves the Program of Work, Target Dates and Project Editor Assignments contained in SC 34 N205, as revised.


Resolution 12: JTC 1/SC 34 Future Meetings

SC 34 approves the following tentative meeting schedule:

Date Location Group
11 August 2001 Montréal, Quebec WG3 meeting
8–13 December 2001 Orlando, Florida SC34 Plenary and Working Group Meetings

5, UK Abastained


Resolution A: Hosting of Meeting

SC 34 expresses its appreciation to the Graphic Communications Association for hosting the Sixth Plenary Meeting of SC 34, at the XML 2001 Conference in Berlin.

Resolution B: Appreciation to SC 34 Chairman

JTC1/SC 34 thanks Dr. James Mason, the SC 34 Chairman, for the leadership and support he provided at the SC 34 meeting.

Resolution C: Appreciation to SC 34 Secretariat

JTC1/SC 34 thanks Ms Sara Hafele, the SC 34 Secretariat, for the support she provided at the SC 34 meeting and in preparation for the meeting.