ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34N0906

Information Technology --
Document Description and Processing Languages
TITLE: | Text for PDTR Ballot - ISO/IEC PDTR 29111 - Information Technology - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps |
SOURCE: | Mr. Steve Pepper |
PROJECT: | PDTR 29111: Information Technology - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps |
PROJECT EDITOR: | Mr. Patrick Durusau; Dr. Sam Gyun Oh; Mr. Steve Pepper |
STATUS: | Proposed Draft Technical Report (PDTR) |
ACTION: | For National Body ballot |
DATE: | 2007-09-10 |
DISTRIBUTION: | SC34 and Liaisons |
REFER TO: | N0906b - 2007-09-10 - Ballot due 2007-12-10 - ISO/IEC PDTR 29111 - Information Technology - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps |
Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: [email protected] |
Expressing Dublin Core Metadata Using Topic Maps
Clause 1. | Scope |
Clause 2. | Normative references |
Clause 3. | Definitions |
Clause 4. | The DCAM and the TMDM |
Clause 4.1 | General principles |
Clause 4.2 | Mapping the concepts of the DCAM |
Clause 5. | Dublin Core Metadata Terms |
Clause 5.1 | The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set |
Clause 5.2 | Other Elements and Element Refinements |
Clause 5.3 | Encoding Schemes |
Clause 5.4 | The DCMI Type Vocabulary |
Annex A | A loose RELAX-NG schema for Dublin Core (Normative) |
Annex B | A strict RELAX-NG schema for Dublin Core (Normative) |
Annex C | Dublin Core Topic Map (Normative) |
Annex D | DCMT Topic Map (Informative) |
1. Scope
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has produced one of the most successful vocabularies for expressing document metadata and is in widespread use on the World Wide Web, in libraries, and in many other areas. DCMI vocabularies are defined as sets of abstract elements and terms; the syntactic expression of these elements and terms is technology dependent.
This Technical Report defines a standard way of expressing Dublin Core metadata using ISO/IEC 13250 Topic Maps. Its purpose is to ensure a uniform approach to the application of Dublin Core among users of Topic Maps and thus enable seamless integration and improved knowledge aggregation. It covers both the general case of expressing Dublin Core metadata sets and the specific case of assigning Dublin Core metadata to topic maps, i.e., to topic maps viewed as what Dublin Core calls “described resources”.
All four term sets described in [DCMT] are covered, i.e., the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Other Elements and Element Refinements, Encoding Schemes, and the DCMI Type Vocabulary.
2. Normative references
- [13250-2]
- ISO/IEC 13250-2:2006 Topic Maps – Data Model
- [15836]
- ISO 15836: 2003 Information and documentation – The Dublin Core metadata element set
- [DCAM]
- DCMI Abstract Model, 2007-06-04,
- [DCMT]
- DCMI Metadata Terms, 2006-12-18,
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report the definitions given in ISO/IEC 13250-2 apply.
The following terms defined in [DCAM] are reproduced here for convenience:
- property
- A specific aspect, characteristic, attribute, or relation used to describe resources.
- property/value pair
- The combination of a property and a value, used to describe a characteristic of a resource.
- resource
- Anything that might be identified. Familiar examples include an electronic document, an image, a service (for example, "today's weather report for Los Angeles"), and a collection of other resources. Not all resources are network "retrievable"; for example, human beings, corporations, concepts and bound books in a library can also be considered resources.
- syntax encoding scheme
- A set of strings and an associated set of rules that describe a mapping between that set of strings and a set of resources. The mapping rules may define how the string is structured (for example DCMI Box) or they may simply enumerate all the strings and the corresponding resources (for example ISO 3166).
- value
- The physical entity, conceptual entity or literal (a resource) that is associated with a property when a property-value pair is used to describe a resource.
- value string
- A literal, optionally associated with either a syntax encoding scheme URI or a value string language. In a literal value surrogate a value string encodes the value; in a non-literal value surrogate a value string represents the value.
- value string language
- An ISO language tag that indicates the language of the value string.
- vocabulary encoding scheme
- An enumerated set of resources.
4. The DCAM and the TMDM
This Clause describes basic equivalences between the Dublin Core Abstract Model and the Topic Maps Data Model and how concepts are mapped from the one to the other.
4.1 General principles
For the purpose of this Technical Report, a resource in Dublin Core is deemed to be equivalent to a subject in Topic Maps.
The assignment of metadata in the form of property-value pairs to Dublin Core resources is deemed to be the equivalent of making statements about a subject in Topic Maps.
Associations are used to represent property-value pairs whenever possible, which is to say in all cases except those case of:
elements that are naming properties (which are represented as topic names);
elements whose values consist of descriptive text or structured data types (which are represented as occurrences).
All such associations are binary and use the following pair of role types:
Role played by the described resource:
Role played by the resource that is the value of the property-value pair:
When assigning Dublin Core metadata to a topic map, the topic map must first be reified. Statements are then made about the resulting topic.
4.2 Mapping the concepts of the DCAM
[DCAM] describes models for resources described by descriptions and for metadata description sets. The concepts of these models are mapped to concepts of the Topic Maps Data Model as follows:
A DC described resource is represented by a topic item.
A DC property-value pair is represented by a Topic Maps statement (i.e., a name item, occurrence item or association item, as specified in Clause 4).
The property of a DC property-value pair is represented by the [type] property of the statement to which it gives rise.
The value of a DC property-value pair is represented either by a topic item or by the [value] property of a name or occurrence item, as specified in Clause 4.
A DC vocabulary encoding scheme or syntax encoding scheme is represented by the [datatype] property of an occurrence item.
A DC value string language is represented by a [scope] property that consists of a single topic representing the language in question.
5. Dublin Core Metadata Terms
This Clause specifies the Topic Maps representation of every element and term in [DCMT].
5.1 The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set
The following table shows the kind of Topic Maps construct to which each term in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set should be mapped. The prefix dc is used to represent the URI
DC Term Name |
TM representation |
contributor |
association of type dc:contributor |
coverage |
association of type dc:coverage |
creator |
association of type dc:creator |
date |
occurrence of type dc:date |
description |
occurrence of type dc:description |
format |
association of type dc:format |
identifier |
occurrence of type dc:identifier |
language |
association of type dc:language |
publisher |
association of type dc:publisher |
relation |
association of type dc:relation |
rights |
occurrence of type dc:rights |
source |
association of type dc:source |
subject |
association of type dc:subject |
title |
name of type dc:title |
type |
association of type dc:type |
5.2 Other Elements and Element Refinements
The following table shows the kind of Topic Maps construct to which each term in the metadata set Other Elements and Element Refinements should be mapped. The prefix dct is used to represent the URI
DC Term Name |
TM representation |
abstract |
occurrence of type dct:abstract |
accessRights |
occurrence of type dct:accessRights |
accrualMethod |
association of type dct:accrualMethod |
accrualPeriodicity |
association of type dct:accrualPeriodicity |
accrualPolicy |
association of type dct:accrualPolicy |
alternative |
name of type dct:alternative |
audience |
association of type dct:audience |
available |
occurrence of type dct:available |
bibliographicCitation |
occurrence of type dct:bibliographicCitation |
conformsTo |
association of type dct:conformsTo |
created |
occurrence of type dct:created |
dateAccepted |
occurrence of type dct:dateAccepted |
dateCopyrighted |
occurrence of type dct:dateCopyrighted |
dateSubmitted |
occurrence of type dct:dateSubmitted |
educationLevel |
occurrence of type dct:educationLevel |
extent |
occurrence of type dct:extent |
hasFormat |
association of type dct:hasFormat |
hasPart |
association of type dct:hasPart |
hasVersion |
association of type dct:hasVersion |
instructionalMethod |
occurrence of type dct:instructionalMethod |
isFormatOf |
association of type dct:isFormatOf |
isPartOf |
association of type dct:isPartOf |
isReferencedBy |
association of type dct:isReferencedBy |
isReplacedBy |
association of type dct:isReplacedBy |
isRequiredBy |
association of type dct:isRequiredBy |
issued |
occurrence of type dct:issued |
isVersionOf |
association of type dct:isVersionOf |
license |
occurrence of type dct:license |
mediator |
association of type dct:mediator |
medium |
occurrence of type dct:medium |
modified |
occurrence of type dct:modified |
provenance |
occurrence of type dct:provenance |
references |
association of type dct:references |
replaces |
association of type dct:replaces |
requires |
association of type dct:requires |
rightsHolder |
association of type dct:rightsHolder |
spatial |
association of type dct:spatial |
tableOfContents |
occurrence of type dct:tableOfContents |
temporal |
association of type dct:temporal |
valid |
occurrence of type dct:valid |
5.3 Encoding Schemes
Each term in the metadata set Encoding Schemes is represented by a topic whose subject identifier is the same as the URI of the term in question.
When the value of a property belongs to such an encoding scheme, the topic representing the encoding scheme may be used to scope the association (or specify the data type of the occurrence) that represents the property.
5.4 The DCMI Type Vocabulary
Each term in the metadata set DCMI Type Vocabulary is represented by a topic whose subject identifier is the same as the URI of the term in question.
The purpose of these topics is to serve as possible values for the dc:type property.
Annex A: A loose RELAX-NG schema for Dublin Core (Normative)
This annex will contain a RELAX-NG schema for expressing Dublin Core metadata in Topic Maps. It will be included in a later draft when the specification has stabilized. The schema will allow the semantic validation of Topic Maps representations of Dublin Core metadata that conform to the requirements of this Technical Report.
Annex B: A strict RELAX-NG schema for Dublin Core (Normative)
This annex will contain a RELAX-NG schema for expressing Dublin Core metadata in Topic Maps. It will be included in a later draft when the specification has stabilized. The schema will allow the semantic validation of Topic Maps representations of Dublin Core metadata that follow recommended best practice as well as conforming to the requirements of this Technical Report.
Annex C: Dublin Core Topic Map (Normative)
This annex specifies a topic map that contains the topic declarations necessary in order to express Dublin Core metadata using Topic Maps in accordance with this Technical Report.
Ed. Note: The topic map will be expressed using the Compact Topic Maps Syntax (CTM) in later drafts. In this draft Linear Topic Map Notation is used since CTM is not yet considered sufficiently stable.
/* This topic map contains basic topic declarations for all Dublin Core metadata terms in a form suitable for inclusion in other topic maps. It was generated automatically from the "DCMI Metadata Terms" at Title: DCinTopicMaps.ltm Date: 2007-06-12T18:13 Creator: Steve Pepper */ /* --- Topics to be used as role types ------------------------------------ */ [resource = "Resource" @""] [value = "Value" @""] /* +++++++++++++++ THE DUBLIN CORE METADATA ELEMENT SET +++++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- contributor: association ( resource, value ) ----------------------- */ [contributor = "Contributor" @""] /* --- coverage: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [coverage = "Coverage" @""] /* --- creator: association ( resource, value ) --------------------------- */ [creator = "Creator" @""] /* --- date: occurrence --------------------------------------------------- */ [date = "Date" @""] /* --- description: occurrence -------------------------------------------- */ [description = "Description" @""] /* --- format: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [format = "Format" @""] /* --- identifier: occurrence --------------------------------------------- */ [identifier = "Identifier" @""] /* --- language: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [language = "Language" @""] /* --- publisher: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------- */ [publisher = "Publisher" @""] /* --- relation: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [relation = "Relation" @""] /* --- rights: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [rights = "Rights" @""] /* --- source: association ( resource, value ) ---------------------------- */ [source = "Source" @""] /* --- subject: association ( resource, value ) --------------------------- */ [subject = "Subject" @""] /* --- title: name -------------------------------------------------------- */ [title = "Title" @""] /* --- type: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------------ */ [type = "Type" @""] /* +++++++++++++++ OTHER ELEMENTS AND ELEMENT REFINEMENTS +++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- abstract: occurrence ----------------------------------------------- */ [abstract = "Abstract" @""] /* --- accessRights: occurrence ------------------------------------------- */ [accessRights = "Access Rights" @""] /* --- accrualMethod: association ( resource, value ) --------------------- */ [accrualMethod = "Accrual Method" @""] /* --- accrualPeriodicity: association ( resource, value ) ---------------- */ [accrualPeriodicity = "Accrual Periodicity" @""] /* --- accrualPolicy: association ( resource, value ) --------------------- */ [accrualPolicy = "Accrual Policy" @""] /* --- alternative: name -------------------------------------------------- */ [alternative = "Alternative" @""] /* --- audience: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [audience = "Audience" @""] /* --- available: occurrence ---------------------------------------------- */ [available = "Available" @""] /* --- bibliographicCitation: occurrence ---------------------------------- */ [bibliographicCitation = "Bibliographic Citation" @""] /* --- conformsTo: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------ */ [conformsTo = "Conforms To" @""] /* --- created: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [created = "Created" @""] /* --- dateAccepted: occurrence ------------------------------------------- */ [dateAccepted = "Date Accepted" @""] /* --- dateCopyrighted: occurrence ---------------------------------------- */ [dateCopyrighted = "Date Copyrighted" @""] /* --- dateSubmitted: occurrence ------------------------------------------ */ [dateSubmitted = "Date Submitted" @""] /* --- educationLevel: occurrence ----------------------------------------- */ [educationLevel = "Audience Education Level" @""] /* --- extent: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [extent = "Extent" @""] /* --- hasFormat: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------- */ [hasFormat = "Has Format" @""] /* --- hasPart: association ( resource, value ) --------------------------- */ [hasPart = "Has Part" @""] /* --- hasVersion: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------ */ [hasVersion = "Has Version" @""] /* --- instructionalMethod: occurrence ------------------------------------ */ [instructionalMethod = "Instructional Method" @""] /* --- isFormatOf: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------ */ [isFormatOf = "Is Format Of" @""] /* --- isPartOf: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [isPartOf = "Is Part Of" @""] /* --- isReferencedBy: association ( resource, value ) -------------------- */ [isReferencedBy = "Is Referenced By" @""] /* --- isReplacedBy: association ( resource, value ) ---------------------- */ [isReplacedBy = "Is Replaced By" @""] /* --- isRequiredBy: association ( resource, value ) ---------------------- */ [isRequiredBy = "Is Required By" @""] /* --- issued: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [issued = "Issued" @""] /* --- isVersionOf: association ( resource, value ) ----------------------- */ [isVersionOf = "Is Version Of" @""] /* --- license: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [license = "License" @""] /* --- mediator: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [mediator = "Mediator" @""] /* --- medium: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [medium = "Medium" @""] /* --- modified: occurrence ----------------------------------------------- */ [modified = "Modified" @""] /* --- provenance: occurrence --------------------------------------------- */ [provenance = "Provenance" @""] /* --- references: association ( resource, value ) ------------------------ */ [references = "References" @""] /* --- replaces: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [replaces = "Replaces" @""] /* --- requires: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [requires = "Requires" @""] /* --- rightsHolder: association ( resource, value ) ---------------------- */ [rightsHolder = "Rights Holder" @""] /* --- spatial: association ( resource, value ) --------------------------- */ [spatial = "Spatial" @""] /* --- tableOfContents: occurrence ---------------------------------------- */ [tableOfContents = "Table Of Contents" @""] /* --- temporal: association ( resource, value ) -------------------------- */ [temporal = "Temporal" @""] /* --- valid: occurrence -------------------------------------------------- */ [valid = "Valid" @""] /* +++++++++++++++ ENCODING SCHEMES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- Box: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [Box = "DCMI Box" @""] /* --- DCMIType: occurrence ----------------------------------------------- */ [DCMIType = "DCMI Type Vocabulary" @""] /* --- DDC: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [DDC = "DDC" @""] /* --- IMT: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [IMT = "IMT" @""] /* --- ISO3166: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [ISO3166 = "ISO 3166" @""] /* --- ISO639-2: occurrence ----------------------------------------------- */ [ISO639-2 = "ISO 639-2" @""] /* --- LCC: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [LCC = "LCC" @""] /* --- LCSH: occurrence --------------------------------------------------- */ [LCSH = "LCSH" @""] /* --- MESH: occurrence --------------------------------------------------- */ [MESH = "MeSH" @""] /* --- NLM: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [NLM = "NLM" @""] /* --- Period: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [Period = "DCMI Period" @""] /* --- Point: occurrence -------------------------------------------------- */ [Point = "DCMI Point" @""] /* --- RFC1766: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [RFC1766 = "RFC 1766" @""] /* --- RFC3066: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [RFC3066 = "RFC 3066" @""] /* --- TGN: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [TGN = "TGN" @""] /* --- UDC: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [UDC = "UDC" @""] /* --- URI: occurrence ---------------------------------------------------- */ [URI = "URI" @""] /* --- W3CDTF: occurrence ------------------------------------------------- */ [W3CDTF = "W3C-DTF" @""] /* +++++++++++++++ THE DCMI TYPE VOCABULARY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- Collection: occurrence --------------------------------------------- */ [Collection = "Collection" @""] /* --- Dataset: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [Dataset = "Dataset" @""] /* --- Event: occurrence -------------------------------------------------- */ [Event = "Event" @""] /* --- Image: occurrence -------------------------------------------------- */ [Image = "Image" @""] /* --- InteractiveResource: occurrence ------------------------------------ */ [InteractiveResource = "Interactive Resource" @""] /* --- MovingImage: occurrence -------------------------------------------- */ [MovingImage = "Moving Image" @""] /* --- PhysicalObject: occurrence ----------------------------------------- */ [PhysicalObject = "Physical Object" @""] /* --- Service: occurrence ------------------------------------------------ */ [Service = "Service" @""] /* --- Software: occurrence ----------------------------------------------- */ [Software = "Software" @""] /* --- Sound: occurrence -------------------------------------------------- */ [Sound = "Sound" @""] /* --- StillImage: occurrence --------------------------------------------- */ [StillImage = "Still Image" @""] /* --- Text: occurrence --------------------------------------------------- */ [Text = "Text" @""]
Annex D: DCMT Topic Map (Informative)
This annex specifies a topic map that encodes the core content of [DCMT], including definitions and explicit relationships between elements.
Ed. Note: The topic map will be expressed using the Compact Topic Maps Syntax (CTM) in later drafts. In this draft Linear Topic Map Notation is used since CTM is not yet considered sufficiently stable.
#INCLUDE "DCinTopicMaps.ltm" #TOPICMAP ~topicmap [topicmap = "DCMI Metadata Terms"] /* metadata about this topic map */ contributor( topicmap : resource, [pepper = "Steve Pepper"] : value ) contributor( topicmap : resource, [durusau = "Patrick Durusau"] : value ) contributor( topicmap : resource, [oh = "Sam Gyun Oh"] : value ) format( topicmap : resource, [ltm = "LTM"] : value ) {topicmap, date, [[2007-06-12T18:13]]} {topicmap, description, [[This topic map is a representation in topic map form of the document "DCMI Metadata Terms". It also includes information about how to map Dublin Core metadata to topic maps.]]} {topicmap, source, ""} {topicmap, isReplacedBy, [[Not applicable]]} /* Additional ontology */ [sort = "Sort" @""] /* Alternative labels for association types that are used to represent attributes of DC terms (i.e. not DCMI elements) and corresponding role types */ [Refines = "Refined by" /Element] [Refinement = "Refinement"] [Qualifies = "Qualified by" /Element] [Qualification = "Qualification"] [Broader_Than = "Narrower than" /Broader-term] [Broader-term = "Broader term"] [Narrower-term = "Narrower term"] [Belongs_to = "Belongs to" = "Consists of" /Set] [Set = "Dublin Core Term Set"] [Represented_as = "Represented as" = "Represents" /Representation] [Term = "Term"] [Representation = "Representation"] /* Topics for the four sets of metadata terms in DCMES terms */ [DCMES-terms : Set = "The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set";"1"] [Other-terms : Set = "Other Elements and Element Refinements";"2"] [Encoding-Schemes : Set = "Encoding Schemes";"3"] [DCMITypes : Set = "The DCMI Type Vocabulary";"4"] /* Topics representing Topic Maps constructs */ [statement = "Topic Maps statement type"; "{TM statement type}"] [association : statement = "Association";"1"] {association, description, [[When mapping a Dublin Core element to an association, the resource to which metadata is being assigned should play the role "", and the other topic in the association should play the role "".]]} {association, description, [[Metadata elements of these types may, in exceptional circumstances, be mapped to occurrences, but this practice is deprecated.]]} [occurrence : statement = "Occurrence";"2"] [name : statement = "Name";"3"] /* --- Field types -------------------------------*/ [Definition = "Definition"] [Comment = "Comment"] [Type_of_Term = "Type of Term"] [Status = "Status"] [Date_Issued = "Date Issued"] [References = "References"] [Refines = "Refines"] [See = "See"] [Qualifies = "Qualifies"] [Broader_Than = "Broader Than"] [Narrower_Than = "Narrower Than"] /* --- Term types --------------------------------*/ [Element = "Element"] [Element-refinement = "Element refinement"] [Encoding-scheme = "Encoding scheme"] [Vocabulary-term = "Vocabulary term"] /* +++++++++++++++ THE DUBLIN CORE METADATA ELEMENT SET +++++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- contributor ---*/ Belongs_to( contributor : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( contributor : Term, association : Representation ) {contributor, Definition, [[An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.]]} {contributor, Comment, [[Examples of a Contributor include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity.]]} [contributor : Element] {contributor, Status, [[recommended]]} {contributor, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- coverage ---*/ Belongs_to( coverage : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( coverage : Term, association : Representation ) {coverage, Definition, [[The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.]]} {coverage, Comment, [[Spatial topic may be a named place or a location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal period may be a named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource applies. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN]. Where appropriate, named places or time periods can be used in preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or date ranges.]]} [coverage : Element] {coverage, Status, [[recommended]]} {coverage, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} {coverage, References, [[[TGN]]]} /* --- creator ---*/ Belongs_to( creator : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( creator : Term, association : Representation ) {creator, Definition, [[An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.]]} {creator, Comment, [[Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity.]]} [creator : Element] {creator, Status, [[recommended]]} {creator, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- date ---*/ Belongs_to( date : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( date : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {date, Definition, [[A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.]]} {date, Comment, [[Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF].]]} [date : Element] {date, Status, [[recommended]]} {date, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} {date, References, [[[W3CDTF]]]} /* --- description ---*/ Belongs_to( description : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( description : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {description, Definition, [[An account of the resource.]]} {description, Comment, [[Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.]]} [description : Element] {description, Status, [[recommended]]} {description, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- format ---*/ Belongs_to( format : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( format : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {format, Definition, [[The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.]]} {format, Comment, [[Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of Internet Media Types [MIME].]]} [format : Element] {format, Status, [[recommended]]} {format, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} {format, References, [[[MIME]]]} /* --- identifier ---*/ Belongs_to( identifier : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( identifier : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {identifier, Definition, [[An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.]]} {identifier, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.]]} [identifier : Element] {identifier, Status, [[recommended]]} {identifier, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- language ---*/ Belongs_to( language : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( language : Term, association : Representation ) {language, Definition, [[A language of the resource.]]} {language, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as RFC 3066 [RFC3066].]]} [language : Element] {language, Status, [[recommended]]} {language, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} {language, References, [[[RFC3066]]]} /* --- publisher ---*/ Belongs_to( publisher : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( publisher : Term, association : Representation ) {publisher, Definition, [[An entity responsible for making the resource available.]]} {publisher, Comment, [[Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity.]]} [publisher : Element] {publisher, Status, [[recommended]]} {publisher, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- relation ---*/ Belongs_to( relation : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( relation : Term, association : Representation ) {relation, Definition, [[A related resource.]]} {relation, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.]]} [relation : Element] {relation, Status, [[recommended]]} {relation, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- rights ---*/ Belongs_to( rights : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( rights : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {rights, Definition, [[Information about rights held in and over the resource.]]} {rights, Comment, [[Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights.]]} [rights : Element] {rights, Status, [[recommended]]} {rights, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- source ---*/ Belongs_to( source : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( source : Term, association : Representation ) {source, Definition, [[The resource from which the described resource is derived.]]} {source, Comment, [[The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.]]} [source : Element] {source, Status, [[recommended]]} {source, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- subject ---*/ Belongs_to( subject : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( subject : Term, association : Representation ) {subject, Definition, [[The topic of the resource.]]} {subject, Comment, [[Typically, the topic will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element.]]} [subject : Element] {subject, Status, [[recommended]]} {subject, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- title ---*/ Belongs_to( title : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( title : Term, name : Representation ) {title, Definition, [[A name given to the resource.]]} {title, Comment, [[Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known.]]} [title : Element] {title, Status, [[recommended]]} {title, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} /* --- type ---*/ Belongs_to( type : Term, DCMES-terms : Set ) Represented_as( type : Term, association : Representation ) {type, Definition, [[The nature or genre of the resource.]]} {type, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCMITYPE]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element.]]} [type : Element] {type, Status, [[recommended]]} {type, Date_Issued, [[1999-07-02]]} {type, References, [[[DCMITYPE]]]} /* +++++++++++++++ OTHER ELEMENTS AND ELEMENT REFINEMENTS +++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- abstract ---*/ Belongs_to( abstract : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( abstract : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {abstract, Definition, [[A summary of the content of the resource.]]} [abstract : Element-refinement] {abstract, Status, [[recommended]]} {abstract, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( abstract : Refinement, description : Element) /* --- accessRights ---*/ Belongs_to( accessRights : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( accessRights : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {accessRights, Definition, [[Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.]]} {accessRights, Comment, [[Access Rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security or other regulations.]]} [accessRights : Element-refinement] {accessRights, Status, [[conforming]]} {accessRights, Date_Issued, [[2003-02-15]]} Refines( accessRights : Refinement, rights : Element) /* --- accrualMethod ---*/ Belongs_to( accrualMethod : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( accrualMethod : Term, association : Representation ) {accrualMethod, Definition, [[The method by which items are added to a collection.]]} {accrualMethod, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to use a value from a controlled vocabulary.]]} [accrualMethod : Element] {accrualMethod, Status, [[conforming]]} {accrualMethod, Date_Issued, [[2005-06-13]]} /* --- accrualPeriodicity ---*/ Belongs_to( accrualPeriodicity : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( accrualPeriodicity : Term, association : Representation ) {accrualPeriodicity, Definition, [[The frequency with which items are added to a collection.]]} {accrualPeriodicity, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to use a value from a controlled vocabulary.]]} [accrualPeriodicity : Element] {accrualPeriodicity, Status, [[conforming]]} {accrualPeriodicity, Date_Issued, [[2005-06-13]]} /* --- accrualPolicy ---*/ Belongs_to( accrualPolicy : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( accrualPolicy : Term, association : Representation ) {accrualPolicy, Definition, [[The policy governing the addition of items to a collection.]]} {accrualPolicy, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to use a value from a controlled vocabulary.]]} [accrualPolicy : Element] {accrualPolicy, Status, [[conforming]]} {accrualPolicy, Date_Issued, [[2005-06-13]]} /* --- alternative ---*/ Belongs_to( alternative : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( alternative : Term, name : Representation ) {alternative, Definition, [[Any form of the title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of the resource.]]} {alternative, Comment, [[This qualifier can include Title abbreviations as well as translations.]]} [alternative : Element-refinement] {alternative, Status, [[recommended]]} {alternative, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( alternative : Refinement, title : Element) /* --- audience ---*/ Belongs_to( audience : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( audience : Term, association : Representation ) {audience, Definition, [[A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.]]} {audience, Comment, [[A class of entity may be determined by the creator or the publisher or by a third party.]]} [audience : Element] {audience, Status, [[recommended]]} {audience, Date_Issued, [[2001-05-21]]} /* --- available ---*/ Belongs_to( available : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( available : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {available, Definition, [[Date (often a range) that the resource will become or did become available.]]} [available : Element-refinement] {available, Status, [[recommended]]} {available, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( available : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- bibliographicCitation ---*/ Belongs_to( bibliographicCitation : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( bibliographicCitation : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {bibliographicCitation, Definition, [[A bibliographic reference for the resource.]]} {bibliographicCitation, Comment, [[Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible, whether or not the citation is in a standard form.]]} [bibliographicCitation : Element-refinement] {bibliographicCitation, Status, [[conforming]]} {bibliographicCitation, Date_Issued, [[2003-02-15]]} Refines( bibliographicCitation : Refinement, identifier : Element) /* --- conformsTo ---*/ Belongs_to( conformsTo : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( conformsTo : Term, association : Representation ) {conformsTo, Definition, [[A reference to an established standard to which the resource conforms.]]} [conformsTo : Element-refinement] {conformsTo, Status, [[recommended]]} {conformsTo, Date_Issued, [[2001-05-21]]} Refines( conformsTo : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- created ---*/ Belongs_to( created : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( created : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {created, Definition, [[Date of creation of the resource.]]} [created : Element-refinement] {created, Status, [[recommended]]} {created, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( created : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- dateAccepted ---*/ Belongs_to( dateAccepted : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( dateAccepted : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {dateAccepted, Definition, [[Date of acceptance of the resource (e.g. of thesis by university department, of article by journal, etc.).]]} [dateAccepted : Element-refinement] {dateAccepted, Status, [[conforming]]} {dateAccepted, Date_Issued, [[2002-07-13]]} Refines( dateAccepted : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- dateCopyrighted ---*/ Belongs_to( dateCopyrighted : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( dateCopyrighted : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {dateCopyrighted, Definition, [[Date of a statement of copyright.]]} [dateCopyrighted : Element-refinement] {dateCopyrighted, Status, [[conforming]]} {dateCopyrighted, Date_Issued, [[2002-07-13]]} Refines( dateCopyrighted : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- dateSubmitted ---*/ Belongs_to( dateSubmitted : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( dateSubmitted : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {dateSubmitted, Definition, [[Date of submission of the resource (e.g. thesis, articles, etc.).]]} [dateSubmitted : Element-refinement] {dateSubmitted, Status, [[conforming]]} {dateSubmitted, Date_Issued, [[2002-07-13]]} Refines( dateSubmitted : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- educationLevel ---*/ Belongs_to( educationLevel : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( educationLevel : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {educationLevel, Definition, [[A general statement describing the education or training context. Alternatively, a more specific statement of the location of the audience in terms of its progression through an education or training context.]]} [educationLevel : Element-refinement] {educationLevel, Status, [[conforming]]} {educationLevel, Date_Issued, [[2002-07-13]]} Refines( educationLevel : Refinement, audience : Element) /* --- extent ---*/ Belongs_to( extent : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( extent : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {extent, Definition, [[The size or duration of the resource.]]} [extent : Element-refinement] {extent, Status, [[recommended]]} {extent, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( extent : Refinement, format : Element) /* --- hasFormat ---*/ Belongs_to( hasFormat : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( hasFormat : Term, association : Representation ) {hasFormat, Definition, [[The described resource pre-existed the referenced resource, which is essentially the same intellectual content presented in another format.]]} [hasFormat : Element-refinement] {hasFormat, Status, [[recommended]]} {hasFormat, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( hasFormat : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- hasPart ---*/ Belongs_to( hasPart : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( hasPart : Term, association : Representation ) {hasPart, Definition, [[The described resource includes the referenced resource either physically or logically.]]} [hasPart : Element-refinement] {hasPart, Status, [[recommended]]} {hasPart, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( hasPart : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- hasVersion ---*/ Belongs_to( hasVersion : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( hasVersion : Term, association : Representation ) {hasVersion, Definition, [[The described resource has a version, edition, or adaptation, namely, the referenced resource.]]} [hasVersion : Element-refinement] {hasVersion, Status, [[recommended]]} {hasVersion, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( hasVersion : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- instructionalMethod ---*/ Belongs_to( instructionalMethod : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( instructionalMethod : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {instructionalMethod, Definition, [[A process, used to engender knowledge, attitudes and skills, that the resource is designed to support.]]} {instructionalMethod, Comment, [[Instructional Method will typically include ways of presenting instructional materials or conducting instructional activities, patterns of learner-to-learner and learner-to-instructor interactions, and mechanisms by which group and individual levels of learning are measured. Instructional methods include all aspects of the instruction and learning processes from planning and implementation through evaluation and feedback.]]} [instructionalMethod : Element] {instructionalMethod, Status, [[conforming]]} {instructionalMethod, Date_Issued, [[2005-06-13]]} /* --- isFormatOf ---*/ Belongs_to( isFormatOf : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( isFormatOf : Term, association : Representation ) {isFormatOf, Definition, [[The described resource is the same intellectual content of the referenced resource, but presented in another format.]]} [isFormatOf : Element-refinement] {isFormatOf, Status, [[recommended]]} {isFormatOf, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( isFormatOf : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- isPartOf ---*/ Belongs_to( isPartOf : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( isPartOf : Term, association : Representation ) {isPartOf, Definition, [[The described resource is a physical or logical part of the referenced resource.]]} [isPartOf : Element-refinement] {isPartOf, Status, [[recommended]]} {isPartOf, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( isPartOf : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- isReferencedBy ---*/ Belongs_to( isReferencedBy : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( isReferencedBy : Term, association : Representation ) {isReferencedBy, Definition, [[The described resource is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the referenced resource.]]} [isReferencedBy : Element-refinement] {isReferencedBy, Status, [[recommended]]} {isReferencedBy, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( isReferencedBy : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- isReplacedBy ---*/ Belongs_to( isReplacedBy : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( isReplacedBy : Term, association : Representation ) {isReplacedBy, Definition, [[The described resource is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the referenced resource.]]} [isReplacedBy : Element-refinement] {isReplacedBy, Status, [[recommended]]} {isReplacedBy, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( isReplacedBy : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- isRequiredBy ---*/ Belongs_to( isRequiredBy : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( isRequiredBy : Term, association : Representation ) {isRequiredBy, Definition, [[The described resource is required by the referenced resource, either physically or logically.]]} [isRequiredBy : Element-refinement] {isRequiredBy, Status, [[recommended]]} {isRequiredBy, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( isRequiredBy : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- issued ---*/ Belongs_to( issued : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( issued : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {issued, Definition, [[Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.]]} [issued : Element-refinement] {issued, Status, [[recommended]]} {issued, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( issued : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- isVersionOf ---*/ Belongs_to( isVersionOf : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( isVersionOf : Term, association : Representation ) {isVersionOf, Definition, [[The described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation of the referenced resource. Changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format.]]} [isVersionOf : Element-refinement] {isVersionOf, Status, [[recommended]]} {isVersionOf, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( isVersionOf : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- license ---*/ Belongs_to( license : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( license : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {license, Definition, [[A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.]]} {license, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to identify the license using a URI. Examples of such licenses can be found at]]} [license : Element-refinement] {license, Status, [[conforming]]} {license, Date_Issued, [[2004-06-14]]} Refines( license : Refinement, rights : Element) /* --- mediator ---*/ Belongs_to( mediator : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( mediator : Term, association : Representation ) {mediator, Definition, [[A class of entity that mediates access to the resource and for whom the resource is intended or useful.]]} {mediator, Comment, [[The audiences for a resource are of two basic classes: (1) an ultimate beneficiary of the resource, and (2) frequently, an entity that mediates access to the resource. The mediator element refinement represents the second of these two classes.]]} [mediator : Element-refinement] {mediator, Status, [[recommended]]} {mediator, Date_Issued, [[2001-05-21]]} Refines( mediator : Refinement, audience : Element) /* --- medium ---*/ Belongs_to( medium : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( medium : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {medium, Definition, [[The material or physical carrier of the resource.]]} [medium : Element-refinement] {medium, Status, [[recommended]]} {medium, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( medium : Refinement, format : Element) /* --- modified ---*/ Belongs_to( modified : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( modified : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {modified, Definition, [[Date on which the resource was changed.]]} [modified : Element-refinement] {modified, Status, [[recommended]]} {modified, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( modified : Refinement, date : Element) /* --- provenance ---*/ Belongs_to( provenance : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( provenance : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {provenance, Definition, [[A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity and interpretation.]]} {provenance, Comment, [[The statement may include a description of any changes successive custodians made to the resource.]]} [provenance : Element] {provenance, Status, [[conforming]]} {provenance, Date_Issued, [[2004-09-20]]} /* --- references ---*/ Belongs_to( references : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( references : Term, association : Representation ) {references, Definition, [[The described resource references, cites, or otherwise points to the referenced resource.]]} [references : Element-refinement] {references, Status, [[recommended]]} {references, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( references : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- replaces ---*/ Belongs_to( replaces : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( replaces : Term, association : Representation ) {replaces, Definition, [[The described resource supplants, displaces, or supersedes the referenced resource.]]} [replaces : Element-refinement] {replaces, Status, [[recommended]]} {replaces, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( replaces : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- requires ---*/ Belongs_to( requires : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( requires : Term, association : Representation ) {requires, Definition, [[The described resource requires the referenced resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence of content.]]} [requires : Element-refinement] {requires, Status, [[recommended]]} {requires, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( requires : Refinement, relation : Element) /* --- rightsHolder ---*/ Belongs_to( rightsHolder : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( rightsHolder : Term, association : Representation ) {rightsHolder, Definition, [[A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource.]]} {rightsHolder, Comment, [[Recommended best practice is to use the URI or name of the Rights Holder to indicate the entity.]]} [rightsHolder : Element] {rightsHolder, Status, [[conforming]]} {rightsHolder, Date_Issued, [[2004-06-14]]} /* --- spatial ---*/ Belongs_to( spatial : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( spatial : Term, association : Representation ) {spatial, Definition, [[Spatial characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.]]} [spatial : Element-refinement] {spatial, Status, [[recommended]]} {spatial, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( spatial : Refinement, coverage : Element) /* --- tableOfContents ---*/ Belongs_to( tableOfContents : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( tableOfContents : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {tableOfContents, Definition, [[A list of subunits of the content of the resource.]]} [tableOfContents : Element-refinement] {tableOfContents, Status, [[recommended]]} {tableOfContents, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( tableOfContents : Refinement, description : Element) /* --- temporal ---*/ Belongs_to( temporal : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( temporal : Term, association : Representation ) {temporal, Definition, [[Temporal characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.]]} [temporal : Element-refinement] {temporal, Status, [[recommended]]} {temporal, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( temporal : Refinement, coverage : Element) /* --- valid ---*/ Belongs_to( valid : Term, Other-terms : Set ) Represented_as( valid : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {valid, Definition, [[Date (often a range) of validity of a resource.]]} [valid : Element-refinement] {valid, Status, [[recommended]]} {valid, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Refines( valid : Refinement, date : Element) /* +++++++++++++++ ENCODING SCHEMES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- Box ---*/ Belongs_to( Box : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( Box : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Box, Definition, [[The DCMI Box identifies a region of space using its geographic limits.]]} [Box : Encoding-scheme] {Box, Status, [[registered]]} {Box, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {Box, See, ""} Qualifies( Box : Qualification, spatial : Element) /* --- DCMIType ---*/ Belongs_to( DCMIType : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( DCMIType : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {DCMIType, Definition, [[A list of types used to categorize the nature or genre of the content of the resource.]]} [DCMIType : Encoding-scheme] {DCMIType, Status, [[registered]]} {DCMIType, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {DCMIType, See, ""} Qualifies( DCMIType : Qualification, type : Element) /* --- DDC ---*/ Belongs_to( DDC : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( DDC : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {DDC, Definition, [[Dewey Decimal Classification]]} [DDC : Encoding-scheme] {DDC, Status, [[registered]]} {DDC, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {DDC, See, ""} Qualifies( DDC : Qualification, subject : Element) /* --- IMT ---*/ Belongs_to( IMT : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( IMT : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {IMT, Definition, [[The Internet media type of the resource.]]} [IMT : Encoding-scheme] {IMT, Status, [[registered]]} {IMT, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {IMT, See, ""} Qualifies( IMT : Qualification, format : Element) /* --- ISO3166 ---*/ Belongs_to( ISO3166 : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( ISO3166 : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {ISO3166, Definition, [[ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries]]} [ISO3166 : Encoding-scheme] {ISO3166, Status, [[registered]]} {ISO3166, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {ISO3166, See, ""} Qualifies( ISO3166 : Qualification, spatial : Element) /* --- ISO639-2 ---*/ Belongs_to( ISO639-2 : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( ISO639-2 : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {ISO639-2, Definition, [[ISO 639-2: Codes for the representation of names of languages.]]} [ISO639-2 : Encoding-scheme] {ISO639-2, Status, [[registered]]} {ISO639-2, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {ISO639-2, See, ""} Qualifies( ISO639-2 : Qualification, language : Element) /* --- LCC ---*/ Belongs_to( LCC : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( LCC : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {LCC, Definition, [[Library of Congress Classification]]} [LCC : Encoding-scheme] {LCC, Status, [[registered]]} {LCC, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {LCC, See, ""} Qualifies( LCC : Qualification, subject : Element) /* --- LCSH ---*/ Belongs_to( LCSH : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( LCSH : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {LCSH, Definition, [[Library of Congress Subject Headings]]} [LCSH : Encoding-scheme] {LCSH, Status, [[registered]]} {LCSH, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Qualifies( LCSH : Qualification, subject : Element) /* --- MESH ---*/ Belongs_to( MESH : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( MESH : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {MESH, Definition, [[Medical Subject Headings]]} [MESH : Encoding-scheme] {MESH, Status, [[registered]]} {MESH, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {MESH, See, ""} Qualifies( MESH : Qualification, subject : Element) /* --- NLM ---*/ Belongs_to( NLM : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( NLM : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {NLM, Definition, [[National Library of Medicine Classification]]} [NLM : Encoding-scheme] {NLM, Status, [[registered]]} {NLM, Date_Issued, [[2005-06-13]]} {NLM, See, ""} Qualifies( NLM : Qualification, subject : Element) /* --- Period ---*/ Belongs_to( Period : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( Period : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Period, Definition, [[A specification of the limits of a time interval.]]} [Period : Encoding-scheme] {Period, Status, [[registered]]} {Period, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {Period, See, ""} Qualifies( Period : Qualification, date : Element) Qualifies( Period : Qualification, temporal : Element) /* --- Point ---*/ Belongs_to( Point : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( Point : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Point, Definition, [[The DCMI Point identifies a point in space using its geographic coordinates.]]} [Point : Encoding-scheme] {Point, Status, [[registered]]} {Point, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {Point, See, ""} Qualifies( Point : Qualification, spatial : Element) /* --- RFC1766 ---*/ Belongs_to( RFC1766 : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( RFC1766 : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {RFC1766, Definition, [[Internet RFC 1766 'Tags for the identification of Language' specifies a two letter code taken from ISO 639, followed optionally by a two letter country code taken from ISO 3166.]]} [RFC1766 : Encoding-scheme] {RFC1766, Status, [[registered]]} {RFC1766, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {RFC1766, See, ""} Qualifies( RFC1766 : Qualification, language : Element) /* --- RFC3066 ---*/ Belongs_to( RFC3066 : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( RFC3066 : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {RFC3066, Definition, [[Internet RFC 3066 'Tags for the Identification of Languages' specifies a primary subtag which is a two-letter code taken from ISO 639 part 1 or a three-letter code taken from ISO 639 part 2, followed optionally by a two-letter country code taken from ISO 3166. When a language in ISO 639 has both a two-letter and three-letter code, use the two-letter code; when it has only a three-letter code, use the three-letter code. This RFC replaces RFC 1766.]]} [RFC3066 : Encoding-scheme] {RFC3066, Status, [[registered]]} {RFC3066, Date_Issued, [[2002-07-13]]} {RFC3066, See, ""} Qualifies( RFC3066 : Qualification, language : Element) /* --- TGN ---*/ Belongs_to( TGN : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( TGN : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {TGN, Definition, [[The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names]]} [TGN : Encoding-scheme] {TGN, Status, [[registered]]} {TGN, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {TGN, See, ""} Qualifies( TGN : Qualification, spatial : Element) /* --- UDC ---*/ Belongs_to( UDC : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( UDC : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {UDC, Definition, [[Universal Decimal Classification]]} [UDC : Encoding-scheme] {UDC, Status, [[registered]]} {UDC, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {UDC, See, ""} Qualifies( UDC : Qualification, subject : Element) /* --- URI ---*/ Belongs_to( URI : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( URI : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {URI, Definition, [[A URI Uniform Resource Identifier]]} [URI : Encoding-scheme] {URI, Status, [[registered]]} {URI, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {URI, See, ""} Qualifies( URI : Qualification, identifier : Element) Qualifies( URI : Qualification, source : Element) Qualifies( URI : Qualification, relation : Element) /* --- W3CDTF ---*/ Belongs_to( W3CDTF : Term, Encoding-Schemes : Set ) Represented_as( W3CDTF : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {W3CDTF, Definition, [[W3C Encoding rules for dates and times - a profile based on ISO 8601]]} [W3CDTF : Encoding-scheme] {W3CDTF, Status, [[registered]]} {W3CDTF, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} {W3CDTF, See, ""} Qualifies( W3CDTF : Qualification, date : Element) Qualifies( W3CDTF : Qualification, temporal : Element) /* +++++++++++++++ THE DCMI TYPE VOCABULARY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ /* --- Collection ---*/ Belongs_to( Collection : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Collection : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Collection, Definition, [[An aggregation of resources.]]} {Collection, Comment, [[A collection is described as a group; its parts may also be separately described.]]} [Collection : Vocabulary-term] {Collection, Status, [[recommended]]} {Collection, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- Dataset ---*/ Belongs_to( Dataset : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Dataset : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Dataset, Definition, [[Data encoded in a defined structure.]]} {Dataset, Comment, [[Examples include lists, tables, and databases. A dataset may be useful for direct machine processing.]]} [Dataset : Vocabulary-term] {Dataset, Status, [[recommended]]} {Dataset, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- Event ---*/ Belongs_to( Event : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Event : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Event, Definition, [[A non-persistent, time-based occurrence.]]} {Event, Comment, [[Metadata for an event provides descriptive information that is the basis for discovery of the purpose, location, duration, and responsible agents associated with an event. Examples include an exhibition, webcast, conference, workshop, open day, performance, battle, trial, wedding, tea party, conflagration.]]} [Event : Vocabulary-term] {Event, Status, [[recommended]]} {Event, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- Image ---*/ Belongs_to( Image : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Image : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Image, Definition, [[A visual representation other than text.]]} {Image, Comment, [[Examples include images and photographs of physical objects, paintings, prints, drawings, other images and graphics, animations and moving pictures, film, diagrams, maps, musical notation. Note that Image may include both electronic and physical representations.]]} [Image : Vocabulary-term] {Image, Status, [[recommended]]} {Image, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} Broader_Than( Image : Narrower-term, StillImage : Broader-term) Broader_Than( Image : Narrower-term, MovingImage : Broader-term) /* --- InteractiveResource ---*/ Belongs_to( InteractiveResource : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( InteractiveResource : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {InteractiveResource, Definition, [[A resource requiring interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced.]]} {InteractiveResource, Comment, [[Examples include forms on Web pages, applets, multimedia learning objects, chat services, or virtual reality environments.]]} [InteractiveResource : Vocabulary-term] {InteractiveResource, Status, [[recommended]]} {InteractiveResource, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- MovingImage ---*/ Belongs_to( MovingImage : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( MovingImage : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {MovingImage, Definition, [[A series of visual representations imparting an impression of motion when shown in succession.]]} {MovingImage, Comment, [[Examples include animations, movies, television programs, videos, zoetropes, or visual output from a simulation. Instances of the type Moving Image must also be describable as instances of the broader type Image.]]} [MovingImage : Vocabulary-term] {MovingImage, Status, [[recommended]]} {MovingImage, Date_Issued, [[2003-11-18]]} /* --- PhysicalObject ---*/ Belongs_to( PhysicalObject : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( PhysicalObject : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {PhysicalObject, Definition, [[An inanimate, three-dimensional object or substance.]]} {PhysicalObject, Comment, [[Note that digital representations of, or surrogates for, these objects should use Image, Text or one of the other types.]]} [PhysicalObject : Vocabulary-term] {PhysicalObject, Status, [[recommended]]} {PhysicalObject, Date_Issued, [[2002-07-13]]} /* --- Service ---*/ Belongs_to( Service : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Service : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Service, Definition, [[A system that provides one or more functions.]]} {Service, Comment, [[Examples include a photocopying service, a banking service, an authentication service, interlibrary loans, a Z39.50 or Web server.]]} [Service : Vocabulary-term] {Service, Status, [[recommended]]} {Service, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- Software ---*/ Belongs_to( Software : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Software : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Software, Definition, [[A computer program in source or compiled form.]]} {Software, Comment, [[Examples include a C source file, MS-Windows .exe executable, or Perl script.]]} [Software : Vocabulary-term] {Software, Status, [[recommended]]} {Software, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- Sound ---*/ Belongs_to( Sound : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Sound : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Sound, Definition, [[A resource primarily intended to be heard.]]} {Sound, Comment, [[Examples include a music playback file format, an audio compact disc, and recorded speech or sounds.]]} [Sound : Vocabulary-term] {Sound, Status, [[recommended]]} {Sound, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]} /* --- StillImage ---*/ Belongs_to( StillImage : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( StillImage : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {StillImage, Definition, [[A static visual representation.]]} {StillImage, Comment, [[Examples include paintings, drawings, graphic designs, plans and maps. Recommended best practice is to assign the type Text to images of textual materials. Instances of the type Still Image must also be describable as instances of the broader type Image.]]} [StillImage : Vocabulary-term] {StillImage, Status, [[recommended]]} {StillImage, Date_Issued, [[2003-11-18]]} /* --- Text ---*/ Belongs_to( Text : Term, DCMITypes : Set ) Represented_as( Text : Term, occurrence : Representation ) {Text, Definition, [[A resource consisting primarily of words for reading.]]} {Text, Comment, [[Examples include books, letters, dissertations, poems, newspapers, articles, archives of mailing lists. Note that facsimiles or images of texts are still of the genre Text.]]} [Text : Vocabulary-term] {Text, Status, [[recommended]]} {Text, Date_Issued, [[2000-07-11]]}